This script does the following:
- Connects to Microsoft Graph with the necessary permissions.
- Defines two functions:
- Get-LastLoggedOnUser: Retrieves the last logged-on user for a given device.
- Set-PrimaryUser: Sets the primary user for a given device.
- Retrieves all Windows devices managed by Intune.
- For each device:
- Gets the last logged-on user.
- If a last logged-on user is found and is different from the current primary user, it updates the primary user.
To use this script:
- Ensure you have the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module installed and the necessary permissions in Azure AD/Intune.
- Run the script in a PowerShell environment with administrator privileges.
This script should meet your requirements by processing all Windows Intune managed devices, identifying the last logged-on user for each, and updating the primary user if necessary.
- Process all Windows Intune managed devices
- Identify the last logged-on user for each device
- Update the primary user to the last logged-on user if they’re different
This approach ensures that the primary user in Intune always reflects the most recent user of each device, which can be crucial for accurate device management and reporting.
A few things to keep in mind as you use this script:
- Make sure you run it regularly to keep the primary user information up-to-date.
- Monitor the script’s output for any devices that consistently fail to update or don’t have a last logged-on user. This could indicate issues with those devices that may need further investigation.
- Ensure that the account running the script maintains the necessary permissions in Microsoft Graph to read device information and update primary users.
Here it is:
# Connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All", "User.Read.All"
function Get-LastLoggedOnUser {
param (
try {
$uri = "'$DeviceId')?`$select=id,deviceName,usersLoggedOn"
$device = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET
if ($device.usersLoggedOn -and $device.usersLoggedOn.Count -gt 0) {
# Sort users by last login time and get the most recent one
$lastUser = $device.usersLoggedOn | Sort-Object -Property lastLogOnDateTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
return $lastUser.userId
return $null
catch {
Write-Host "Error getting last logged on user for device $DeviceId : $_" -ForegroundColor Red
return $null
function Set-PrimaryUser {
param (
try {
$uri = "'$DeviceId')/users/`$ref"
$body = @{
"" = "'$UserId')"
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
return $true
catch {
Write-Host "Error setting primary user for device $DeviceId : $_" -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
# Get all Windows Intune Managed Devices
$devices = Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "operatingSystem eq 'Windows'"
foreach ($device in $devices) {
Write-Host "Processing device: $($device.DeviceName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Get the last logged on user
$lastUserId = Get-LastLoggedOnUser -DeviceId $device.Id
if ($lastUserId) {
$lastUser = Get-MgUser -UserId $lastUserId
Write-Host "Last logged on user: $($lastUser.UserPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Check if the current primary user is different from the last logged on user
if ($device.UserPrincipalName -ne $lastUser.UserPrincipalName) {
Write-Host "Updating primary user..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$result = Set-PrimaryUser -DeviceId $device.Id -UserId $lastUserId
if ($result) {
Write-Host "Primary user updated successfully to $($lastUser.UserPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Failed to update primary user" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
Write-Host "Primary user is already set to the last logged on user" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "No last logged on user found for this device" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph
Hope it helps you to manage your Intune Windows Devices. 🙂